Our Experts

PhD, EA, CFA®, Master of Tax Laws, Georgetown Law School

Dr Jeff Camarda

Dr Jeff Camarda (candidate, Georgetown Law) is a nationally-recognized financial and tax expert, author, perennial “top advisor,” and founder of the Family Wealth Education Institute. He’s completed the CFA®, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, CFS® and BCM™ programs, holds a Master’s in financial planning and a PhD in financial and retirement planning, and the EA tax credential, authorizing unlimited practice rights to represent clients before IRS. He’s a candidate for Masters in Tax Law from Georgetown Law School – widely recognized as the one of the best law schools for tax in the world in addition to being an award-winning academic researcher, and repeatedly recognized as a “top advisor” by Barron’s, Forbes, Bloomberg and others. Besides being regularly featured in the national press, including in Barron’s and the Wall Street Journal, he’s the author of several books and writes a regular column for Forbes.com on advanced tax and wealth matters. He has made a lifelong study of advanced tax and wealth matters to build and protect his own substantial family fortune – from scratch. He is extremely passionate about doing the same for your family’s wealth and applying the powerful tax strategies he’s designed to supercharge your net worth.

MBA, Licensed Tax Professional   |   Director Tax Operations

Sammy Janvier

With over a decade of experience in tax services, Sammy is a highly skilled and licensed tax professional dedicated to helping clients minimize their tax liabilities through tailored strategies. Sammy holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of North Florida, an MBA from Webster University, and a Master’s degree from Strayer University.

Sammy’s expertise spans tax planning, compliance, and strategic consulting, all driven by a passion for delivering value and personalized service to every client. Sammy’s commitment to excellence ensures that individuals and businesses alike receive the highest level of tax guidance and support.

“Super Lawyer,” Board Certified in Tax Law.

John R. Crawford

Expert in business, tax, and asset protection, as well as estate and tax planning matters, elder law issues and substantial probate matters. Practice focus includes formation and reorganization of business entities (including corporations, limited liability companies, and limited family partnerships) and preparation of trusts, wills, other estate documents, and contracts, including merger/acquisition, and buy/sell agreements. He is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. Mr. Crawford has earned the prestigious Florida’s Super Lawyers® recognition since 2006, and continuously from 2011-2021. Only 5% of the lawyers in Florida earn the Super Lawyers honor, which is bestowed based on peer nomination, independent research and peer evaluation by attorneys. Mr. Crawford is admitted to practice in the United States Tax Court, the. U.S. District Court, Middle District of Florida, and All Florida and Georgia state courts, and co-counsels with other attorneys in order to serve clients in other states.

About Our Experts

Our Core Tax Strategists

Dr. Jeff Camarda says:

I am lifelong student of tax, business and wealth building, and have a burning desire to teach the smartest ways to build and keep family wealth. A lifelong wealth researcher, author, educator, and financial coach, I began my study of tax as a young entrepreneur in my early 20s, moved on to the CFP® and kept pushing to the PhD level & beyond. I’ve completed the CFA®, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, CFS® and BCM™ programs, hold a Master’s in financial planning and a PhD in financial and retirement planning, and the EA tax credential, which gives me unlimited practice rights to represent clients before IRS. I’m also taking a Masters in Tax Law from Georgetown Law School – widely recognized as the best law school for tax in the world – and so far am fortunate to have a straight-A average. I am also an award-winning academic researcher, and have been repeatedly recognized as a “top advisor” and been featured in the national press, including in Barron’s and the Wall Street Journal. I write a regular column for Forbes.com on advanced tax and wealth matters.

Dr. Jeff Camarda says:

I am lifelong student of tax, business and wealth building, and have a burning desire to teach the smartest ways to build and keep family wealth. A lifelong wealth researcher, author, educator, and financial coach, I began my study of tax as a young entrepreneur in my early 20s, moved on to the CFP® and kept pushing to the PhD level & beyond. I’ve completed the CFA®, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, CFS® and BCM™ programs, hold a Master’s in financial planning and a PhD in financial and retirement planning, and the EA tax credential, which gives me unlimited practice rights to represent clients before IRS. I’m also taking a Masters in Tax Law from Georgetown Law School – widely recognized as the best law school for tax in the world – and so far am fortunate to have a straight-A average. I am also an award-winning academic researcher, and have been repeatedly recognized as a “top advisor” and been featured in the national press, including in Barron’s and the Wall Street Journal. I write a regular column for Forbes.com on advanced tax and wealth matters.

Why all this effort? To create and keep my family’s fortune, and help others do the same. Most folks, even really smart & successful ones, have a real hard time finding financial advice they can trust. And finding truly expert tax advice? For most folks, that’s the Holy Grail. Luckily, you have found this site.

Since running a business in college and flipping my first house in 1982, I’ve used my growing knowledge of tax and financial planning to build a substantial family fortune, and many successful businesses, from scratch. I love to apply what I’ve learned to help others build and keep family wealth. I am especially passionate about converting avoidable tax into client wealth, and use my knowledge and skills to develop innovative tax, estate, and asset protection solutions for TaxMaster™ clients.

Consumers have no yardstick to separate sales hype from the honest, expert wealth guidance they need. But family wealth is just too important to screw around with! That’s why I’ve made it my life mission to bring super quality, impartial wealth wisdom to folks like you. If you let me, I’ll get you clear, trustworthy, expert answers to the important questions that matter most. If you’ll forgive me, you now have the opportunity to get rare insight from one of America’s recognized top wealth minds. Please take advantage of it!

Do you get financial answers that don’t ring true? Not here. You’ll get straight talk you can take to the bank. I have a raging passion to educate on wealth best practices. I make it easy, fun, & entertaining, as an author, the founder of the Family Wealth Education Institute, and as a personal wealth coach. I’ve been consistently recognized as a top advisor by WORTH, Bloomberg, Barron’s, Forbes & more. And yes, my advisor work is as a fee-only fiduciary, always putting clients first.

I just love helping people cut through the hype to learn what they need to get richer faster, safer, and simpler.

I have often said that tax strategy is the master wealth skill, the one that can make the difference between “just” doing well, and getting really rich. It is somewhat ironic that it tends to be the least appreciated wealth skill, where consumers – even rich, smart, and sophisticated ones who should really know better – downplay the value of this expertise, and treat the chore of getting taxes done more like dry-cleaning than the incredibly complicated master-art it really is when practiced well. Far too many taxpayers just want to drop their taxes off and just get them “done.” Cheap. They often complain about how much tax they pay, but won’t take the trouble to seek out true masters, and some are very resistant to paying for quality advice. If that’s you, we are not a good fit. Quality, custom advice is never cheap, but is often one of the very best investments a taxpayer can make, with tax savings typically many, many times the cost of the fees, compared to the results from the cheap (sometimes not so cheap) mediocre tax “pros” they often use. Take a look at some of the case studies in the Education & FAQs section to get a sense of the tremendous returns possible with smart tax.

More than in any other profession I’ve encountered – law, medicine, engineering, whatever – I have found that true tax experts are as rare as hens’ teeth, to be so outnumbered by the legions of barely-competent, “you gotta pay your tax” software-junkie button pushers as to be nigh-impossible to find. Like financial advisors, it is very difficult for even very smart consumers to tell the difference between truly excellent tax practitioners, and those who merely smile winningly and look good in a suit, mumbling platitudes about death and taxes. This sad state, coupled with the dry-cleaning mentality of most consumers, means that vast sums of family wealth are typically lost to legitimately avoidable taxation. I mean millions on untold millions!

I emphasis all this, of course, for a reason. All kinds of taxes – income, estate, capital gains, real estate, and the dozens of others on the books or being cooked up by new laws – are the biggest expense and threat to wealth facing successful Americans. They are avoidable acid to wealth. And as Federal deficits mount, Social Security and Medicare implode, and Euro-style social welfare becomes increasingly popular, the well-off are really fixing to get soaked.

We can fix this for you. We can protect and supercharge your fortune, for you and your family and descendants. We really get excited about supercharging family wealth, and are really looking forward to getting to know you and helping you.

I have often said that tax strategy is the master wealth skill, the one that can make the difference between “just” doing well, and getting really rich. It is somewhat ironic that it tends to be the least appreciated wealth skill, where consumers – even rich, smart, and sophisticated ones who should really know better – downplay the value of this expertise, and treat the chore of getting taxes done more like dry-cleaning than the incredibly complicated master-art it really is when practiced well. Far too many taxpayers just want to drop their taxes off and just get them “done.” Cheap. They often complain about how much tax they pay, but won’t take the trouble to seek out true masters, and some are very resistant to paying for quality advice. If that’s you, we are not a good fit. Quality, custom advice is never cheap, but is often one of the very best investments a taxpayer can make, with tax savings typically many, many times the cost of the fees, compared to the results from the cheap (sometimes not so cheap) mediocre tax “pros” they often use. Take a look at some of the case studies in the Education & FAQs section to get a sense of the tremendous returns possible with smart tax.

More than in any other profession I’ve encountered – law, medicine, engineering, whatever – I have found that true tax experts are as rare as hens’ teeth, to be so outnumbered by the legions of barely-competent, “you gotta pay your tax” software-junkie button pushers as to be nigh-impossible to find. Like financial advisors, it is very difficult for even very smart consumers to tell the difference between truly excellent tax practitioners, and those who merely smile winningly and look good in a suit, mumbling platitudes about death and taxes. This sad state, coupled with the dry-cleaning mentality of most consumers, means that vast sums of family wealth are typically lost to legitimately avoidable taxation. I mean millions on untold millions!